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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Acting/modeling?

Question:Im 17 to be 18 in april, I would like to act or model doing commercial promotion adds, anything. I have experience in local theatre, school plays, and an acting lesson. Does any one know of any agencies or something I can do In NYC/NJ area... Im from the Jersey shore.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Im 17 to be 18 in april, I would like to act or model doing commercial promotion adds, anything. I have experience in local theatre, school plays, and an acting lesson. Does any one know of any agencies or something I can do In NYC/NJ area... Im from the Jersey shore.

by Hailey A Member since:
October 08, 2007
Total points:
353 (Level 2) by Hailey A Member since:
October 08, 2007
Total points:
328 (Level 2) I've been acting since I was 4 so I hope I can help you out.

For starters take every acting, dance and singing class you possibly can. Because even if you don't have a lot of experience, training looks GREAT on your resume.

Then type up that resume. If you have any school plays, community theater plays, etc.
if you don't have much experience look for open calls around where you live.

Then get your headshots done, research it if you dont know what a headshot is.
Now they can be very exspensive, the good ones at least.
If you live in NYC I'd reccomend Melissa Hamburg.

After that do a mailing of agents in your area, with your headshot and resume (email me if you need advice on how to find legit agents in your area)

Hopefully a few of those agents will call you for an interview.
If you don't know an agent helps you find different auditions.
Now , fi an agent asks for a up-front fee it's a scam and leave as fast as you can.
This is how a REAL agent gets paid.
If they find you a job and you get paid, they get "about 15% of what you made.

Then sing up for something like to look for auditions yourself.

And then, just audition more and everything.

I hope I helped.

Email me if you need more help, want to find agents in your area or auditons in your area.

try it u might make millions :)

you should be a model. you're blonde and you can't spell ads.

go to:

they are located in New York city.

Someone said "go to" kidding me?

Have some headshots done, look in the yellow pages & find a agent. Give them your headshots & call them once a week & ask for autitions. I don't think a lot of people start out going to Ford, It takes a lot more than acting lessons & school plays to get there. Good luck!

Get headshots taken and SEND THEM OUT! Find a list of agencies in Jersey and New York and send them out to some places that sound legit, you might get an audition.

But be prepared for rejection. A lot of it.

You seem like you have the potential. However, make sure whatever agency you decide to work with is LEGITIMATE. Don't sign for anything with someone who wants any kind of money from you. If they are real and mean business and truly want to put you to your full potential, they always pay for everything. Whether it will be easier or harder to filter out all the bogus people in the NYC area, I can't really say.. Just be careful =)

Go here for tons of information that will help :

You have a chance just cover up the black hair roots comming out dear