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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Will someone suggest a good buy for a double/twin bass pedal for a single bass d

Question:I am ready to upgrade my single pedal for some double bass action. Can you guys suggest a pedal that is right foot dominant, has good action and hardware, and will not break my wallet? Only stipulation is that it has to be sold by musician's friend, b/c i have a 20% off coupon ready to be spent. Thanks!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I am ready to upgrade my single pedal for some double bass action. Can you guys suggest a pedal that is right foot dominant, has good action and hardware, and will not break my wallet? Only stipulation is that it has to be sold by musician's friend, b/c i have a 20% off coupon ready to be spent. Thanks!

Check in the bargain bin at Musicians friend, or go to you will have to look but the prices wont be too steep or check with your local pawn shops thats where i got my set. ROCK ON BUDDY!

can't go wrong with pearl!