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Position:Home>Performing Arts> What happened to Dizzy Gillespie's Trumpet?

Question:How did it become bent to a 45 degree angle please help its for a project!!!!!!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: How did it become bent to a 45 degree angle please help its for a project!!!!!!

There are two version of the story :

1. it was the result of an accident and he liked the resultant sound.

2. he saw a similar thing being played by a trumpeter with poor vision who had his trumpet altered so he could see the music better.

Most sites seem to prefer the accident version :

Dizzy had his trumpet special made, the only way to change the form of a metal like brass is in the production stage when the metal is being formed. This process is when the trumpet is made it is one long tube, it is then filled with a special liquid solution and frozen, so it doesn't harm the metal, and bent to shape.

I don't know the reason, but he has always had the bent trumpet as long as I know (over 50 years). I would assume that he prefers the sound it produces or just likes the fact that it distinguishes his style.

He bent it by accident and left it that way.

Well...judging by the size of his cheeks!...he probably has it wedged sideways in his mouth?...

I believe he came in late one night and Mrs. Gillespie bent it over his head.

They placed it in a museum.