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Position:Home>Performing Arts> How do you play F chord on the guitar?

Question:place ur first finger acros the first fret.
then ur little finger and the finger next to that on the 3rd fret on srings 5 and 4
then put ur middle finger on fret 2 on the 3rd string (G)

This should be F

Its hard to explain.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: place ur first finger acros the first fret.
then ur little finger and the finger next to that on the 3rd fret on srings 5 and 4
then put ur middle finger on fret 2 on the 3rd string (G)

This should be F

Its hard to explain.

the f chord is about 2/3 down the page

Bar the first fret, and play a A minor with your remaining fingers relative to the F:\ kinda confusing...

the big string closest to you is an E. If you go one fret down the neck, that is a 1/2 step, or F. Then you just go two more frets up the neck for the next 2 strings and hold those down with your fingers, and strum away. That is an F natural chord.

Place your pointer finger on the high E and B strings, your middle on the G, and your ring on the D. Play only those, skipping the A and low E strings. Hope this helps.

what F'ing chord do you want? up from E or the one down from F#...?

There is a good way I cheat while playing the F chord, I started doing this when I started out, because my hands were too small and the chord was too hard,

Get your hand in a C chord, and move your top three fingers each down one string.

SO in a tab this would be:


Good luck!


This is a F Major chord in tab form. The numbers are the frets and which fingers you use for those frets too. Good luck

I remember the F chord as being very difficult to play when learning guitar. Keep at it and eventually you'll get it.