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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Do you believe that artists can change the world?

Question:including writers, poets, directors/scenario writers, musicians etc

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: including writers, poets, directors/scenario writers, musicians etc

Artists change the world every day. We have no idea what a world without artists would be like because, luckily, we have never been without artists.

Every person learns/processes info in a slightly different way. Some of them depend heavily on visual stimulation, others on auditory stimulation, and still others by tactile stimulation (touch). If not for the arts, we would have but one way to teach everything to students...that is by reading and lecturing. Would you have been able to understand everything you learned without the added visual and auditory stimulus, such as symmetrical and asymmetrical art work, songs with rhythm to remember facts, maps to view the countries of which you were learning, etc? And this has just scratched the surface! I haven't even begun to speak about the benefits of mastering musical and artistic skills in connection with mastering math skills or comprehending higher levels of thinking. Those who are gifted in the arts help inspire others to see things from new perspectives. Not everyone has the talent but even those who don't have it, reap the benefits of those who do.

Without the arts, I would imagine we would all have lower IQ's and be confined to dead end jobs at McDonald's. We would not know how to accomplish the type of success that is inspired in us (most of us) by the passions we hold for the arts, whether it is as spectators or as participants.

Frankly, I would not want to live in a world without the arts.

Artists can definatly change the world

What do you mean can they change the world? they already have and will be influencing our lives until the end of time.... in my opinion...

Artists may be able to change mass consciousness, and people with that consciousness may change the world. But that's it. It's about making a compelling case for ideas.

The artist who has come closest to changing the world -and that not very- was the writer Ayn Rand.