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Question:how can you learn to sing,,, ,without tutors..

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: how can you learn to sing,,, ,without tutors..

You might be able to get some pointers if you join a choir. It will depend on the skill of the choir director.

If you want to sing professionally, you are definitely going to need a voice coach at some point. The big record labels usually assign a voice coach to newly signed vocalists, because if you sing every day for several hours and don't use the proper breath support, placement, or tone production technique, you wind up with vocal maladies like cysts, tears, nodules, strains--and your career could be shot before it begins.

There are books about singing that can help, but voice is the one instrument that absolutely needs a teacher for the entire career of the musician.

just follow your heart

joining a choir or some other singing group is probably the best way. Books are alright but I wonder if you can truly understand the art and science of singing just by reading words and looking at pictures.

tape yourself, be your own critic


to sing in tune you would have to sing scales, doe ray me ect.
a teacher can tell you if your flat which you may not detect yourself,a teacher can also show you exercises for your voice so you can improve quickly

When I sing for Fire Department Christmas Party, I print out the song with word and I sing one paragraph by one.
After that, I try to memorialized by practice until I get it.
After I me moralized, I sing without looking at sheet.
I also borrow song book that with music sheet with words at first.