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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Marching band instructional sites?

Question:Are there any sites you know of that teach people marching band techniques, especially for alto saxophones.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Are there any sites you know of that teach people marching band techniques, especially for alto saxophones.

I don't know of any sites but can offer some tips for you:

- Try memorizing your music. It'll take your mind off that so you can focus on marching.
- Envision a pole running from the top of your head down to your ankles and that pole passes through your shoulders, hips, and knees. This will bring your body in line, lifting your chest off your diaphragm, ultimately helping your breathing.
- Roll your feet: when you've placed your heel, roll forward to the ball of your foot on the outside of your foot. This will keep you from bouncing while you march and help your air flow be steady (becasue you're not bouncing).
- Use your peripheral vision - look straght ahead and see how far you can see to your left and right without moving your eyes. Use this when on the field/street to help you line up to your neighbors when you're supposed to be in straight line.

Of course there's a lot more to marching but these things are basics that you can build on. Keep in mind also that it is VERY hard to be good at marching and playing at the same time. Most people are either good players or good marchers. It's rare to find anyone that can do both well at the same time.

Good luck!

There aren't any special marching band techniques that apply to an instrument. You play the saxophone just like you would normally (big difference is that you are standing up). You will learn how to march while carrying your instrument, and it isn't something that can be described on a site.