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Position:Home>Performing Arts> What is the easiest way to learn how to read music?

Question:learning that wont hurt u know...

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: learning that wont hurt u know...

well on a scale, all the empty spaces, going up, spell FACE, and then notes on lines are EGBDF, or as I remeber it- every good boy deserves fudge. the musical alphabet goes from A to G, and the notes go in order. knowing that the bottom line of a 5 line scale is E, you can recite the alphabet up to G and then start at A again when you go up to read the music. I label my sheet music when I recieve a piece also, so when I'm playing I do not need to memorized the notes

Buy a book, and pay attention to people who read and play it.

well you kinda need to learn to read first. thennn try reading music. hehe

LOL "Learning that won't hurt" Thats precious.

Dude. Just study 30-40 minutes a day, everyday and it'll get easier.

look at the notes and study them and look on the internet. its kinda confusing but i take chorus so i get it.
look on the internet and go on google and put in whatever note u need help with.

I have a program called guitar pro.

you can download a bunch of songs to it and it will show yout the tableture and sheet music for every note in the song. Its really awsome

i suggest it highly

well grand staff starts with g a b c d e f g a b c d e f g on the remember face and every good boy does fine

there are several easy ways to read music
1. purchase a beginners music notation book a musical musical keyboard if you can afford. Some keyboards will let you know what the note is when you press the key.
3.or just look it up on the internet

honestly i don't think there is an easy way. either you need to start with lame childish songs that are boring and a pain because they're so pointless. or you try learning songs you like but then it's already kind of advanced and it's really slow to figure it out and can be depressing because it seems difficult. but you can also get some software, if you have a midi piano, that has sort of games that will help you learn the notes and rhythm separately and that's somewhat painless because it's like a game, and once you have them all memorized you can try songs you like and the task will be simplified.

I've tried a couple times to tackle reading music but I always giveup and just go back to earing things out. I wish i would have been trained to read when i was younger and listened to children songs.