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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Guitar players, I need ur advice pleasse!?

Question:Is it ok to use a coin as a pick till i get one from the store? All advice needed!!! I dont wanna ruin my guitar...
Btw, I have a steel string acoustic... thnks!! =))

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Is it ok to use a coin as a pick till i get one from the store? All advice needed!!! I dont wanna ruin my guitar...
Btw, I have a steel string acoustic... thnks!! =))

It's really tough on the strings.

Do you have any of those plastic bread thingies in your house? You know, those little plastic tabs that keep those plastic bread bags sealed? Not the wires, the square-ish tabs. If you take one of those and rub the edges off on some concrete you can fashion a moderately decent makeshift pick. Try it and you'll see what I'm talking about. Just make sure you get a nice round edge, nothing jagged, and you'll be good to go.

It works a heck of a lot better than a coin, and won't beat up your strings.


You could if you really needed to but I would be careful about hitting away from the pickguard. Also it will probably beat up the strings.

You could use a folded up cover of a matchbook if you have one lying around.

I really wouldn't suggest using a coin. It won't hurt the guitar itself unless you hit the body with the coin, but the strings are a different story. Especially if this is a new "stock" guitar as even really nice ones often come with, let's say, baseline generic strings. A coin could really do a number on them very quickly.

If you can't wait, what I suggest is to cut a corner off of an old credit card (or similar). It's about the same plastic density as a guitar pick, and it is plastic which is softer than the metal used in the strings. Also, if you look, the corner is already rounded. So use the rounded corner as the strike end.

Have Fun!

I wouldn't use a coin on an acoustic, as it will sound very clangy, wear out your strings quicker and will probably ruin the finish. But several distinguished players use them on electrics, including Billy Gibbons of ZZ Top and Brian May of Queen.

It makes sense to get several picks at a time, when you go to the store. Picks don't last forever, they wear down, and we lose them. Anyway, they're not expensive.