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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Do you like to sing LOUD to cheer yourself up??

Question:I have always liked to sing my head off when I.m alone so i joined the local choir, and never enjoyed myself so much, its very uplifting to be part of like minded people and also does your heart good, and it sounds great to sing at the top of your voice in harmony with everyone else, brilliant.!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I have always liked to sing my head off when I.m alone so i joined the local choir, and never enjoyed myself so much, its very uplifting to be part of like minded people and also does your heart good, and it sounds great to sing at the top of your voice in harmony with everyone else, brilliant.!

No but i do it to piss my mom off

Yes... especially in my car (windows up). Hope I dont scare anyone

Live it up by Sheryl Crow, works every time

sure i love to sing to cheer myself up.........maybe not always loud tho lol

Yes, and jump around like a mad woman, but then my poor cats gets overexcited.

All the time.

I sing everyday on my way to work.
I never seem to remember that when I stop in the city centre, at a traffic light, I continue singing, very loudly, and I always forget people on the outside can hear me!
No-wonder I get some strange looks!
On the motorways, now that is a different thing! Although I do drive safely and will shut up when it isn't safe to be singing loudly.

I love to sing loud it helps me feel better and it gets me to loosen up. I don't do it that often tho cuz i don't like my mom hearing me sing