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Question:Ok, so I had laryngitis about 8 months ago now, maybe more. It lasted about 3 months (ugh) And ever since I had it, I cant sing very high at all! I am struggling to get to a high D, and it's really embarassing in music class! What can I do to teach my voice to go higher again?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Ok, so I had laryngitis about 8 months ago now, maybe more. It lasted about 3 months (ugh) And ever since I had it, I cant sing very high at all! I am struggling to get to a high D, and it's really embarassing in music class! What can I do to teach my voice to go higher again?

At the beginning of each day start with some little siren noises. Keep them quite but make sure that you're taking your voice 'up and down' the pitch ladder. Scales also are a great help but try to alternate your intervals. Don't just go up the major scales because it's boring! Try some pentatonic and chromatic stuff. Then go onto practice bigger interval work like 4ths and 6ths. Exercises like this will give your vocal folds strength and stamina for when you sing.

Another, more practical tip, is to keep your chin level when you sing. Even if you THINK your head is pointing 'up' you are stretching your larynx and stressing your folds. Try to use proper support too. Singing demands very specific strengths and techniques and nothing will come overnight. Imagine your voice to be a car that you need to take care of every day so that it runs like a top race car...

The last thing I'll say is steam your voice every other day. Stand in the shower (or just turn the shower on and stand in the bathroom) and inhale the steam THROUGH YOUR MOUTH. You need to keep your vocals hydrated and this is the best way of doing that. If you just drink plenty of water the fluid will just wash over your voice and go down; steam sticks to your vocal folds and hydrates them.

Good Luck and keep singing (but be careful!)

Nick (LRAM Qualified Singing teacher :) )

Some Tips:

*Warm up with sirens use your hand to reach up, to help your voice reach the notes.

*Take a hot shower everyday and try to sing high in the shower.

*When you are about to sing the high note, brace yourself/ get ready for it by going over it in your head.

*When actually singing the note, raise your eyebrows but DO NOT TILT YOUR HEAD UP! Believe it or not, this is VERY bad for the vocal chords and is a VERY bad habit. Similiar to this- do not tilt your chin down when singing a low note- for the same reasons.

Take a deep breath and fill your lungs with air, and let it out as you sing. This will strenghten the quality of your voice, and you will be able to sing higher. And practice singing everyday!

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