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Position:Home>Performing Arts> What is a good gift to give?

Question:I'm in the musical Seussical and we are giving the seniors gifts since it is their last year. We already thought of giving them "cat in the hat" hats but we need more idea related to the musical or being a senior. any ideas?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I'm in the musical Seussical and we are giving the seniors gifts since it is their last year. We already thought of giving them "cat in the hat" hats but we need more idea related to the musical or being a senior. any ideas?

maybe give them the seuss book s"oh the places you'll go" since theyre going off to college, its a simple, nice short book thats very inspirational. you can sign all the crew members' names on the back too.

or if you can find a book with their characters, get a book and put pictures of their faces in place of the characters, i think it would be cool theyd be surprised. good luck

I've always liked a bit of frankincense or myrrh.

a ketchup sandwich

jack on a bean stock

How bout the gift of forgiveness and understanding for an old friend and his ONE moment of weakness....

How about that J-Dawg?

I would bake them something. Maybe take a good chocolate cookie recipe and use butterscotch chips or jellybeans instead of chocolate chips and come up with a nice Dr Seuss-sounding name for them.

Give everyone pashmina shawls from Kashmir, and a really nice box of chocolates from Godiva or Teuscher
