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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Help!!!!! I need help!!!!?

Question:What do you do when you get nervous? when ever i sing infront of people i get so nervous, my breathing is fast, i get all shakey, and i cant think of anything that will help(Picturing the crowd in their underware doesnt help) If i want to become a singer i need to get over issue. Anyone got suggestions?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: What do you do when you get nervous? when ever i sing infront of people i get so nervous, my breathing is fast, i get all shakey, and i cant think of anything that will help(Picturing the crowd in their underware doesnt help) If i want to become a singer i need to get over issue. Anyone got suggestions?

Just think of me because I will be here for you when you need me.

Since i can't answer anymore- ill just answer here: Don't be focused on the audience unless you wanna see their reactions while singing- i get scared and all that too you just gott DEAL and its fine. Report It

Other Answers (9)

  • Nicky H's Avatar by Nicky H
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  • picture them naked hell you might see a guy with a big wee wee

    try learning some breathing exercises and practise them everyday for half and hour to learn to relax.

    Then when you learn those well do the breathing exercises just before you go on stage and relax

    Breathing exercises. Long slow deep breaths, counting to 50 in 3s, but starting at 2.
    Simple cognitive tasks that occupy your mind will help ease the pressure. Deep Slow breaths slow your heart rate.
    Also, try asking at your local pharmasist - you can buy herbal extract sprays that help relax you before an exam, a presentation, etc. You just spray it on your tongue. Really useful.

    a shot of tequila before performing will do the trick.

    I use to have right issues with speaking ie meetings and team building events. I found that, taking a deep breath before i started and hold for a few seconds, then exhale, do this a couple of times, then start. I also tried to envisage that it was family and friends i was talking to.
    I suppose you could try and focus on one individual in the crowd and sing to just that person, Invite a friend to "sing to" and try to block out the other people. Good luck, I hope you get over this nervousness, and it subsides with every performance

    Try putting yourself mentally away from the audience. Pretend that you're just singing for your family, pet, or by yourself.

    Just pick a focal point in the room and ignore everything else around you. Those jitters you get are very normal and even people that have been entertaining audiences for many years claim that they still get the jitters. And please don't listen to the one that told you to take a shot of tequilla lol. Not very attractive to see a wired singer lol. Just relax, focus and of course, have a lot of fun. Good luck to you!!

    i know exactly how you feel.

    i am a singer myself and a few days ago i had to sing infront of my entire high school.

    obviously, deep breaths are good. but the thing that i always tell my self is, "you can do this, it's not a big deal, i'm not going to mess up, i am confident....etc" over and over again. once you thing you are going to do excellent, you will be confident and will stop stressing so much.

    another thing i do is sing for a few of my friends or a class before i do a huge performance and it helps me get used to singing infront of people.

    hope this helps.