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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Spring awakening or chicago??

Question:Well my friend wants to see spring awakening because she has one of those discount tickets that could mean she would only have to pay $30 but I hear Chicago is really good too, just out of curiousity full price for Chicago? or a discount Spring Awakening? and which is more well suited for a couple of teenage girls anyway? Are we going to enjoy chicago???.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Well my friend wants to see spring awakening because she has one of those discount tickets that could mean she would only have to pay $30 but I hear Chicago is really good too, just out of curiousity full price for Chicago? or a discount Spring Awakening? and which is more well suited for a couple of teenage girls anyway? Are we going to enjoy chicago???.

amazing amazing show!!! One of the best I have seen, the plot is more about teenagers so I think you would enjoy it more. I did and I'm 16.

Hope this helps!

Spring Awakening is really, really good. I never saw Chicago but, well, yea.