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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Why is that un-musically trained people insists that someone only has a good voi

Question:I know that aren't as attuned to intonation as those musically trained, but it seems as if they could tell a difference. If ever watch American Idol with someone that is musically ignorant they will insist that everyone that sings in falsetto can't sing, regardless of their pitch. Why is it all chalked up to the purity of tone, the lack of rasp and gravel/

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I know that aren't as attuned to intonation as those musically trained, but it seems as if they could tell a difference. If ever watch American Idol with someone that is musically ignorant they will insist that everyone that sings in falsetto can't sing, regardless of their pitch. Why is it all chalked up to the purity of tone, the lack of rasp and gravel/

Because most people listen to tone first, pitch second, then tone third. And they filter it all through their personal preferences.

For whatever reason, the psyche of the american public seems to be sucked into this idea that women sing higher than men, without depth or any "grit", and men should sing only lower, but still with only a touch of said grit or depth. I don't know why real singing seems to be so out of fashion, but that's what you get when most of the consumers are "tweeners".

It's why people who can barely hit notes but have a quote-unquote "pure" quality to their voice get record contracts.

And maybe that's it. The public wants to consume themself, in a way - they want young things, they want singers with young (and untrained) voices. So someone with a young or untrained voice will prefer to hear someone sing with a young or untrained voice.

I think it's BS, of course - real people don't sing in pure tones, in pure voices - and I like real things, real people. Where's the feeling? Where's the voice pushed to the limit?

I don't like things that are too "safe" or too "pure". It keeps music from being "real".

The simplest explanation could be that some people aren't musically educated, and don't care enough to be... so they accept what they're told, and leave it at that. And what are they being told? That Britney Spears has a good voice... sigh...
