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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Do you think members of a symphony orchestra?

Question:Have groupies, similar to those in a rock band? If so, are they more "upscale" and posh tramps that give the appearance of being suave and sophisticated??

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Have groupies, similar to those in a rock band? If so, are they more "upscale" and posh tramps that give the appearance of being suave and sophisticated??

Sure they do. Once in my town we had a bassoonist that was hot hot hot! I would go to all his shows. I would pay top dollar to scalpers for front row seats. I used to wait outside for him every night on the hood of his Ford Tempo, that is until the restraining order. Poor guy, after his wife's "accident" he just wasn't the same and was fired from the orchestra. Last I heard he had moved to Chicago and is a street musician.

you don't seem to think there are genuine ladies out there,you will find some slappers but there are some females brought up properly.

Usually. They're called "wives".

You know just because someone acts sophistocated and happens to be a groupie, that doesn't make them a tramp. Just like the fact that just because you asked this dumbass question, it doesn't mean you're a di*k, a jerk, or a dumbass. So I won't judge you if you don't judge groupies kk? Ok.

Hahahaha that's a funny question!

I know that the Philadelphia Orchestra has groupies but they aren't like fact, some are in high school...(teehee).