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Position:Home>Performing Arts> How can I be an actress? PLEASE answer!?

Question:Well, to start, I have blonde/brown hair, blue eyes, 4' 11'', 11 years old, live in IN. I have full support of acting from my father, my mom doesn't want me to get into the business because the "attitudes" some actresses/actors have, and because location - she doesn't want to move. I understand what acting is - it's a complete committment and it takes extreme talent. I don't want to have an ego - but I honestly think I have it. Yes, I am in all my school plays, drama class at school, acting lessons at the Civic theatre, and not to mention plays there as well. I almost always land a lead role (or else I'm still a main character, just not LEAD role). The Civic theatre is a professional theatre, and I have what it takes to become an actress. Please understand that, I've been doing lessons since age 6. Now, how do I become discovered? I know, get into a guild, get an agent, but also, how can I convince my mom of making a sacrifice for me? Or how to not move? Please help!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Well, to start, I have blonde/brown hair, blue eyes, 4' 11'', 11 years old, live in IN. I have full support of acting from my father, my mom doesn't want me to get into the business because the "attitudes" some actresses/actors have, and because location - she doesn't want to move. I understand what acting is - it's a complete committment and it takes extreme talent. I don't want to have an ego - but I honestly think I have it. Yes, I am in all my school plays, drama class at school, acting lessons at the Civic theatre, and not to mention plays there as well. I almost always land a lead role (or else I'm still a main character, just not LEAD role). The Civic theatre is a professional theatre, and I have what it takes to become an actress. Please understand that, I've been doing lessons since age 6. Now, how do I become discovered? I know, get into a guild, get an agent, but also, how can I convince my mom of making a sacrifice for me? Or how to not move? Please help!

First of all, it was really cool to see that you weren't just like "OMG! I totally love acting and i totally want to become famous cuz i just OMG! love acting!!!!!!!!!!" so that's what makes me want to help. I'm 15, and I've been acting in community, local, and school theater since I was 6 years old. I live in Minnesota, which is far away from all the big acting talent, and my parents don't want me moving either. It's sounds like you have done quite a bit of acting for being 11, which is a great start. Without even realizing it, you're already building your resume! The bad news is that since you don't have full support from both of your parents, you can't get an agent and start going after major auditions yet. When you're only 11, it's actually your parents doing most of the work to get you into acting jobs, so you have to be sure that they're all for getting you acting jobs, which it sounds like that's not how it is. Also, becoming an actress at a young age, even if you do get discovered, usually means that you are used and "worn out" by the time you get to your adult years. What I mean by that is that Disney Channel and those types of places will use you on their little shows, and when you get too old, they'll simply throw you out, and you'll be known as a Disney Channel star forever, and no one will take you seriously. My recommendation (and this is what I'm personally planning to do) is that you continue doing your regional theater and building up your skills and resume, and when you're 18, study drama in a good acting school and pursue your dreams on your own. Good luck, and I hope to see you in Hollywood!
