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Question:I really want to learn how to play guitar and I had a few questions. When you begin do you get acoustic or electric? Which one is better to start? I want to play rock music if that matters.

If electric what type of guitar?

If acoustic what type of guitar?

To teach my self to play do I need a teacher or do I just use a book?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I really want to learn how to play guitar and I had a few questions. When you begin do you get acoustic or electric? Which one is better to start? I want to play rock music if that matters.

If electric what type of guitar?

If acoustic what type of guitar?

To teach my self to play do I need a teacher or do I just use a book?

Many people will say to get acoustic when your a beginner. But i think that is much harder to learn on. The strings are bigger and at first your fingers will hurt and get tiered really fast. Plus anything you want to play on acoustic you can play on electric but not the other way around. As of what guitar and amp to get i would just go to a local guitar store and ask for help, they will find something good for you in your price range. If i were you i would get a teacher, it is possible to learn on your own but a teacher will tell you what you are doing wrong because everyone forms bad habits.

get a guitar, acoustic or electric (doesnt really matter) and look in google on how to read guitar tab. you can find guitar tab on almost every song. i taught myself to play this way and now i write songs and learn to play other songs by ear.

My husband is learning he bought a low end acoustic fender. The guy at the music store said that an acoustic is harder so it is better to start on it then later if you want to move to an electric it will be a lot easier. Plus acoustic sounds so cool.

When I started it was with an acoustic. Easy to carry around and no need to be plugged in. Don't get anything expensive. Just look for a guitar that has the strings as close to the neck as you can find.
I bought a couple of easy guitar books with chord illustrations. Also ask a friend. I did. Just see if someone can just help you get started with a book of songs that you like. There are plenty 3 chord songs that you can try first.
Lately I have been checking out the web for sights that are free and can help you get started with the basics.
If you really like it, then find a teacher. What ever you do, HAVE FUN!

If electric what type of guitar?

Many different choices; There are Ibanezs, which could be good for beginners. The best beginners guitar I have ever used is a Godin Detour

If acoustic what type of guitar?


To teach my self to play do I need a teacher or do I just use a book?

Teaching yourself could be hard and using a book may not answer all your questions. I recommend geting a good teacher

What amp should I get if I get electric?

Fenders are great.

I also play violin are they similar at all?

Well they both have strings....