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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Violin or Guitar? I cant decide!!?

Question:I'm 14 years old, and i want to start taking up an instrument, I sing as well so i dont want anything tht would take up my mouth. So i am now between a violin and an acustic guitar. I love both instruments, ad the way they sound. But I cannot decide between them!
Which instrument would you choose and why? PLease give me some helpful advice, i need to decide soon.

AlSo: I have been told that i have very good form with the violin, if that helps.

I have passion for both instruments but can only choose one. Ughh/
thanks in advance! <3

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I'm 14 years old, and i want to start taking up an instrument, I sing as well so i dont want anything tht would take up my mouth. So i am now between a violin and an acustic guitar. I love both instruments, ad the way they sound. But I cannot decide between them!
Which instrument would you choose and why? PLease give me some helpful advice, i need to decide soon.

AlSo: I have been told that i have very good form with the violin, if that helps.

I have passion for both instruments but can only choose one. Ughh/
thanks in advance! <3

It depends, sure some people @ yahoo answers are right about the guitar and singing @ the same time, and the guitar is more "hip" and the violin is hard to play @ first, but if i were you, i would choose the violin and heres why: the violin is the ultimate representation of emotion, the emotions pours out of the violin...with it you can show so much emotion it even makes people cry, its powerful, especially if you have a passion for it should be no problem !. Anyone plays the guitar nowadays people will value more if you play a violin than a guitar, the violin has a much pure rich sophisticated sound that has been a classic for centuries. but go with what you want, i just would really recommend the Violin, when it gets down to performance, the Violin sound is like no other

-Cheers And Good Luck..

the one you really love its your choice

Honestly, I'd pick up the Violin. It's a beautiful can also consider than everyone seems to be going through the guitar phase now...guitar hero, rock band, drake bell's learn guitar game...hell, even hanna montana has her own guitar brand now. Learn something that is a little bit different, and make yourself stand out in your musical talents! It'll be worth it, I promise...

it sucks that you can only choose one because i have a friend who was an amazing violinist and she started playing electric guitar and she was so fast it was ridiculous. But if i were you i would play guitar. Its a much cooler instrument , not that that should matter and you can probably play more songs you like on it. Its much easier to write songs on a guitar and you can join a band with your friends witch is a lot more fun than the school orchestra, take it from someone who knows.

Well personally I would go with guitar cause like if you have a song that you like you can play it on guitar, violin you cant.

But if your in to like classical I would go with violin.
But if it were me I would do guitar. I had a choice between piano and guitar i choose piano I LOVE it but now I want to play guitar.

I play violin, and well at first it can be hard, but trust me once you got a hang of it, it is easy, basically the hardest part is being able to get you're fingers down fast enough on the strings, and remembering you're rosin so the bow doesn't slip off from the strings and make a rly bad noise. Shifting can be hard at some points, but again you get used to it, and the dynamics in the music can be hard to follow sometimes but it will come to you as you advance, this is my third year of playing violin, and I am very glad I chose violin, even though in jazz and rock music the violin is underestimated ALLOT, more than the acoustic guitar, it is a great instrument, and I can't see me playing any other instrument than the violin, I have thought about switching to cello but I didn't and I'm glad, so personally my first and only choice would be violin.

The violin is harder and more expensive, but in the long run you have a better chance of making a living (IMO).

i say both
if you are 14 try taking orchestra class in school and get a guitar and teach yourself
thats what i did. i was 11 started violin and played from 5th to 6th grade went to double bass and got a guitar for my birthday. i then taught my self and i can play a ll 3 instruments very well. so do both!

According to me,as you say you want to sing as well with playing so i think you should choose guitar because guitar does not requires much concentration as violin requires. Violin requires much more concentration,so i think you ''might'' get some problems while singing with violin...choose a can play and sing with it..

it depends on what you'd like to do. if you maybe would like a scholarship, i'd go with the violin. if you want to play as a hobby, i'd go for the guitar because you can sing with it. it is very hard to sing and play the violin at the same time. also, most contemporary songs have guitar, but not so many have violin. hope this helps!

Since you like to sing, you will probably get more use out of the guitar.

since you sing, you could definitely benefit from the guitar.
unless there's a school orchestra, you won't have many opportunities to play the violin.
I'm 17, and i've been playing the violin and viola for almost 9's difficult to find somewhere to perform besides orchestra concerts

so, for you, i'd say guitar

well i say flute because it helps u with singing because it helps you hold your diaframe longer
but between the two i would pick guitar

well im in the orchestra and i play the viola i also play the guitar.... play both. if you cant pick what ever one you want but if you go with orchestra play viola if you go with guitar choose an electric

I would consider what you want to do with your music down the road. If you want to play in a rock band obviously the violin isn't the way to go. If you want to play orchestra then guitar isn't the way to go. If you plan to do neither and just want to play for you own enjoyment only you can decide. Even if you choose one now there is no reason you can't do the other later.