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Question:When i got my acoustic guitar it sounded great when i strummed the string.

Its been about a month and the only what to explain the sound is dried out or dull

My tuner says its tuned but how do i get it to sound as great as before

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: When i got my acoustic guitar it sounded great when i strummed the string.

Its been about a month and the only what to explain the sound is dried out or dull

My tuner says its tuned but how do i get it to sound as great as before

Change your string. I use to repair them 7 days a week. The problem is that, when you buy a guitar, even if you pay $1000, they put crappy string because they realized that the customer always buys a good quality set.

Having said this, the strings last maximum 1 week. But a good brand and they will last you 3 months.

change your strings

It's begging for new strings.. even I can hear it.

Three words:

Martin Medium Bronze