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Position:Home>Performing Arts> How do you define 'hot seating'?

Question:Very good for drama.
When i first did this, my drama teacher used it as way to get us used to feeling comfortable talking allot - like we'd sit on the chair with your class in front of you, and talk for a Minuite on why you like ice cream - thus helping us young-uns feel comfortable improvising. We also used it to analyze different skills like, talk for a minuite in an 'American accent', while your class fire questions at you, thus helping to analyze your strengths and weaknesses in that particular accent, so you know how to improve.
But the most proper way of hot seating is when your in preparation for play. Having been given your character, you would do all your research about their background, filling in the blanks that aren't provided in the script. Then with your cast or class, you'd be sat on a seat in front of everyone (the hot seat) and they'd fire questions all about your charter, if you've done your research you should be able to answer all of them. If you got stuck and was unable to answer this process would make you aware of any history of your charachter you needed to research more, or you could improvise and fill in the blanks then and there.

While on the seat you are in character, and it helps with characterization. I think its a 'Stanislavsky' technique,and I think this helps the actor, stop acting the part, but begin 'being' the charachter. I am aware that sounds very pretentious, lol, gd luck, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Very good for drama.
When i first did this, my drama teacher used it as way to get us used to feeling comfortable talking allot - like we'd sit on the chair with your class in front of you, and talk for a Minuite on why you like ice cream - thus helping us young-uns feel comfortable improvising. We also used it to analyze different skills like, talk for a minuite in an 'American accent', while your class fire questions at you, thus helping to analyze your strengths and weaknesses in that particular accent, so you know how to improve.
But the most proper way of hot seating is when your in preparation for play. Having been given your character, you would do all your research about their background, filling in the blanks that aren't provided in the script. Then with your cast or class, you'd be sat on a seat in front of everyone (the hot seat) and they'd fire questions all about your charter, if you've done your research you should be able to answer all of them. If you got stuck and was unable to answer this process would make you aware of any history of your charachter you needed to research more, or you could improvise and fill in the blanks then and there.

While on the seat you are in character, and it helps with characterization. I think its a 'Stanislavsky' technique,and I think this helps the actor, stop acting the part, but begin 'being' the charachter. I am aware that sounds very pretentious, lol, gd luck, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

I've never heard of it. Enlighten me...

Well the only way i have ever heard of this is if someone is in the hot seat. that means they are being asked a lot of questions that can make a big difference for things.

I always thought that "hot seats" were seats/events that were selling out fast or something.

Good seats for a show?