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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Who belives what notradamus said and hes predictions?

Question:i cannot belive so many ppl dnt belive its like amazing how he predicted that stuff

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i cannot belive so many ppl dnt belive its like amazing how he predicted that stuff

I believe he did. If u just watched the show on the history channel, Penn and Teller idiots were gay. None of them give an exact date, and if he said Hitler, don't you think Hitler himself might be a little suspicious, especially since it tells of his defeat?

He is very accurate andhe predicted that you would post in the wrong thread also.

Nostradamus predictions are somewhat vague and somewhat proven after the fact. I want to see a prediction of his beforehand and then see if it comes true word from word.

Nostradamus "predicted" nothing.

He wrote some highly ambiguous and open ended verses describing his "visions",but,if you actually read what he wrote, they are so garbled anyone could read whatever they wanted in to them.

And people have. One "prediction" by Nostradamus was interpreted in the 19th Century as describing Napolean's rise to power and conquest of Europe,and in the 20th century the same quatrain was re-interpreted as being a description of Hitler's rise and fall.

now someare saying he predicted 9/11.

Nonsense. He didn't.

Real "predictions", Stock Markets, elections,etc, can be accurately evaluted afterward by comparing what was actulally stated:"the markets will fall, or rise" -- to what actually happened (the stock markets fell or rose).

All people are doing with Nostradasmus is reinterpreting ambiguous couplets according to after the fact assumptions of what they beleive he "intended", not what he actually said.

That not "prediction"; at best, that's coincidence

But all he did was write nonsensical gobbletygook that anyone could read into it what they wanted to beleive .

So what did he predict, as opposed to what people say he predicted? How is your 16th c. French? Better than your English? If not, I don't think you have a valid knowledge base for discussion.

Do you think he was more accurate than Biblical prophets? Why or why not?