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Position:Home>Performing Arts> What song would you love to learn to play but can't for some reason?

Question:which of your favorite songs do you not know how to play on an instrument?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: which of your favorite songs do you not know how to play on an instrument?

Prelude and the Last Hope in C and C# Minor from the Opera, Marche of the Ducks.

Actually, I'd love to hear anybody play it.
If you saw the music you'd know what I mean.
I'm considered to be a master player, but even Doc and Maurice Andre would not be able to play it.

shut up tonight!

I've always wanted to play "schools out" by alice cooper on guitar, I can't find a place to learn, but I am trying. maybe in a year I can get it. fingers crossed.

i would like to learn "people are strange" by the doors..on my acoustic you recommend any books? or anything?
if not its ok.. how about "fur elise" by beethoven or motzart? :D

I wish that I could play any of Brian May's solos. (He's the guitarist in Queen)
I wish that I could play a lot of Franz Ferdinand's stuff on guitar.
I wish that I could play Fur Elise on piano. It's so pretty.

The Phantom of the opera theme. To many accidentals :( *starts crying*