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Question:What is a decent acoustic guitar for someone who is just learning to play?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: What is a decent acoustic guitar for someone who is just learning to play?

James said it well. Go to a reputable music store having sales representatives that know and play guitars. Often, size of guitar should be commensurate to the size of the player. If you're a petite young lady, perhaps a parlor guitar is best suited for you.

Decent guitars to begin with usually run in the $300 range. There are plenty of great brands to consider, so ask a salesperson play several guitars that you view as right for you. Listen to the projection, the warmth, or the attack and choose which of them you prefer.

I always recommend steel-stringed guitars over the folk or classical genre because your motivation and self-discipline will be tested to see if you are truly guitar-player material.

Depends on many things - best bet is to get to a local guitar shop and try some out.

Definitely check out the Takamine. Look on ebay. They sell them for cheap and not because the guy isn't good. Contrary.