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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Can I sing a duet by myself in a talent show?

Question:I have changed the words around a bit so it sounds like im singing to the audience. Is it a good idea? Or not?
By the way the song im singing is A Whole New World from Alladin.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I have changed the words around a bit so it sounds like im singing to the audience. Is it a good idea? Or not?
By the way the song im singing is A Whole New World from Alladin.

Totally. I sang that song once and I sang both parts, like I was singing it to the audience, and I turned out great! Good luck!

no, then it wouldn't be a duet.

a duet is two people.

but u can sing both parts i guess...

Sure, but I would make the two voices distinct. Wow, that's pretty talented -- hope you win!

Hey, what if you make up half your body as a male and the other half a female (or even better, dress the parts)!?

It depends on how you're planning to perform it. It could be interesting or it could end up cheesy. Unless you can sing split tones like some Monks.

sure but don't call it a duet its now a solo

yes if you are schizophrenic

oh thats good, in the movie love actually a little girl sang all i want for Christmas is you and she said you you you you and you to the audience lol that was awesome

no you cant because then it wouldnt be called a duet

If it makes sense to you, then go ahead. You are displaying your own talent.

yea that sounds like it would be cool. but it'd be a solo.

you can sing it... but it wouldnt be considered a duet. if you like it, and it sounds good, then go for it. fyi, a duet means two people are singing.

A duet is 2 people. You would be doing a solo.

well when the part that oes
every turn a surpriseee ( with new horizon to persuree)
every moment red letterr
thats gonna be hardd...
i unno i think tyou should get anothe person
it seems hard to do
that song eeds 2 people.. or the magic of the song will seize to exist..

but it all depends on how you sing it ..
id need to know the lyrics you switched around first.

All the smart answers that come too mind aside, I think it is a wonderful idea and a really good song choice. Good luck and God Bless.

Sure, if you have good lungs...
Some people might think you are a little weird though.
I sing duets by myself at my house all the time.

You can pre-record your song and then play it back singing with it.

no, just sing the girl part. it would sound better

It wouldn't be a duet it would be a solo. As long as you have changed the words to make it in one person it will be fine...if you are singing two different parts it would be kind of strange.

Well technically, No you can't

Duet- Is 2 people singing together
Solo- One person

But I guess you COULD sing both parts?

Go for it. Good luck.

It could be a cute bit! How about calling attention to the fact that it's a duet and that you are singing each part.

Sing one part. Then take a large step to the side and sing the other or
come out with a hat on and sing the first part - run off, grab another hat, switch hats and sing the other part.

Corny, maybe but it just might give you the egde.