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Position:Home>Performing Arts> I'm getting a cello on Monday, any cellists out there, or anyone with an opi

Question:I'm getting a cello on Monday and I am very excited! I have wanted to play cello for so long and now I finally get one! Anyone like the cello out there, or any opinions about the matter at all?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I'm getting a cello on Monday and I am very excited! I have wanted to play cello for so long and now I finally get one! Anyone like the cello out there, or any opinions about the matter at all?

I am a cellist, and I wouldn't choose any other instrument over it. The rich, delicious sound, and the unspeakable joy that one finds in jamming away is one of my greatest pleasures.

A quick tip, while I love playing by myself, I find that playing in an orchestra, symphony, or even a quartet can be even more satisfying. Something about the interaction between myself and the other musicians just brings out the best from my instrument. Once you feel comfortable with yours, look around for a volunteer orchestra in your area, and start playing!!
Good luck to your future cello adventures!

The cello is a beautiful instrument! I don't play it, but I love it's deep, mellow sound.

Do you have any experience in music?

Just make sure you don't get stuck playing Pachelbel's Canon in D! :p

I'm a violinist and I work with cellos all the time, if i could choose to play any other instrament i would choose the cello hands down.

They have very beautiful, deep, and rich sounds. The melodies are almost always written so well for them and it's an awesome idea to start.

I once went to abravanel hall and heard a cellist play. And it was one monemt where i realized that i truly love music.

Oh and I definatly agree DO NOT ever get stuck playing Pachelbel's Cannon in D.
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Type in Rant on Pachelbel and this guy tells you what the cello part of it is.