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Position:Home>Performing Arts> I'm a 21 year old guy... is there still hope for me to learn how to play the

Question:I've learned the basics... but that was about ten years ago...

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I've learned the basics... but that was about ten years ago...

Yes, you can. Moreover, the only limit to how good you can get is the amount of time you can dedicate to practicing.

Here's a plan:

1) Do you own a piano? If not, having one on hand will make progress easier and faster. It might be a good idea to get an electronic piano instead of a regular grand or upright; if you get an electronic one that has weighted, touch-sensitive keys, it will "feel" exactly like an acoustic piano--which is important if you ever need to play an acoustic one--and it will have the capacity to play different tones, which can lend variety to your practice sessions.

2) While you can learn on your own from books, cds, dvds, and other instructional materials, you'll make more rapid progress if you hire a good teacher. Ask for referrals from the music department of a local college or university.

3) While you know the basics now, you're essentially still a beginner. As such, you'll make more rapid progress if, at first, you organize your practicing into several short sessions per day--say, four to six 10-minute sessions. This will yield more rapid progress than doing one hour-long session, and it will allow the muscles, nerves and tendons of your hands to develop as they need to with less stress. After a couple of weeks, you should start to increase the time of one or more sessions slowly--maybe 5 extra minutes per week--until you are up to half-an-hour, and then you can drop the shorter sessions and continue to increase practice time--eventually you need to build up stamina so you can play for a couple of hours without fatigue.

Scales! Arpeggios! Sight-reading! Wrists high! Proper fingering! :-)

Of Course ! With commitment anything is possible.

of course you can
you can be a 83 year old guy and still learn piano.
its all bout will and desire. you can play even a violin or anything else if u want to. ther's no limitation to the age to play a musical instrument since music is itself eternal. all u need is the passion for it and with true desire, no one can stop u from being the best.

I write from italy and I believe that everything is possible if one really wants not lose hope maybe take a tutor and start the show

ohhh, try the web: Online piano lessons; piano chords, major and minor, etc.

u kidding me. Of course there is! You can learn anything you want to.

yea! of course, u can learn anything at any age

I work in a music store that averages around 350 students (all sorts of instruments). The thing that amazes me most is how many older students we have who are just beginners. Generally, though, our students are either kids or 40+. I think the biggest obstacle for a 21 year old student is going to be ego. Can you get over the uncoolness of playing through beginning exercises and having to practice to become a great pianist?

Kids are forced to play and the 40+ crowd has given up on being cool so they are simply after their goals, but that 16-25 group seems to quit because they feel like little kids.

Get over it, find a teacher, and keep moving.

Try a local music store (or to find a teacher, resources, books, and prices on a decent used piano or keyboard.

Age doesn't matter so long as you have al your limbs and the passion to do so, you can do ANYTHING!!

Yes I would say so. I mean sure there are some people who start when they're 4 years old I am not one of them I started when I was 12-13 somewhere in there I am sure you could do it just find a good teacher.

yeah, absolutely you can get really good at it....a friend of mine learned to play the electronic keyboard in his twenties, and that is not so different from the piano

You can check out his stuff here....he is in a band now, and they sound really awesome