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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Wood Flute Versus metal?

Question:What has better sound for concert band? I have been playing for many years now and need a professional flute. I like the wood sound but am not sure that it would be appropriete for a high school concert band. Is wood totally different or is the sound just fuller than the metal? Will it affect my playing at all?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: What has better sound for concert band? I have been playing for many years now and need a professional flute. I like the wood sound but am not sure that it would be appropriete for a high school concert band. Is wood totally different or is the sound just fuller than the metal? Will it affect my playing at all?

traditional concert band uses metal. it needs a higher pitch sound. wood would blend in with clarinets and all that.

You would be investing for yourself...not the band...

Modern wood flutes with standard Boehm system keys ( as opposed to Irish flutes with few keys, or ethnic flute with NO keys) have made a resurgence in recent years. All the biggest manufacturers of professional flutes now make them. But for you main flute, at your age and level, I would strongly suggest staying with silver.

When you say *professional* flute, I think what you mean is an upgrade form what you have, and a flute that is appropriate for concert band work at the HS and college level. A professional flute can easily cost you from $7,000 to $15,000 - and that is for silver, not gold. If you are asking this level of question you must be studying seriously - I am sure your teacher can give you assistance. But I would advise you to joint the Yahoo Groups *FLUTENET*. There are over 3,000 of us there - professional flutists, teacher,s students - who can assist you. And the LINKS are incredible - search for Jennifer (Jen) Cluff - her pages ALONE will give you tons of advice on just what you are looking for.

You need something that is fluid and responsive enough for fine solo work, yet study for school. I do not take my BEST concert flute (Muramatsu) to outdoor wedding gigs - we all have backup flutes for that. So you may wish to consider that factor - unless of course you are a senior who is auditioning this year for colleges, and need something more advanced. And even THEN - I would get something like an Azumi or Avanti until you COLLEGE teacher advises you what step you should take next. It would be shame to spend a ton on a fine instrument, only to have your future college teacher tell you that it is not at ALL what you should be playing!

Good luck to you, in your flute playing AND flute shopping.