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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Is the movie "Harvey" appropriate for children (K-5th Grade)?

Question:I am a child care director at a local elementary school. I remember seeing Harvey several years ago and it was an absolutely delightful movie that I felt could be enjoyed by all ages. Prior to the movie there was an interview with Jimmy Stewart who talked about parents bringing there children to the matinée performances. However, when I was in high school we did the play and a parent wrote to complain about it. I remember that there is one word at the end "bastard" that is, obviously, inappropriate and I plan on fast forwarding through that. But is there anything else that wouldn't be okay for a kindergardener? I still plan on asking the parents in advance but do you think there is anything they will have a problem with?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I am a child care director at a local elementary school. I remember seeing Harvey several years ago and it was an absolutely delightful movie that I felt could be enjoyed by all ages. Prior to the movie there was an interview with Jimmy Stewart who talked about parents bringing there children to the matinée performances. However, when I was in high school we did the play and a parent wrote to complain about it. I remember that there is one word at the end "bastard" that is, obviously, inappropriate and I plan on fast forwarding through that. But is there anything else that wouldn't be okay for a kindergardener? I still plan on asking the parents in advance but do you think there is anything they will have a problem with?

The film HARVEY starring a young Jimmy Stewart, James Stewart, is appropriate. It is about a grown man that has an imaginary Rabbit friend, 6 feet tall.

The word Bastard is the least of your worries. The 5-10 year old mind will pass right over that. Their parents might occassionally say it, or worse, at home. I sometimes swear in front of my children and they never repeated it, even at age 5 or now...12.

A flat metal file, used by mechanics and metalworkers is known in the entire industry as a "flat bastard". You may find the name engraved on the metal surface.

Sitting through a black and white film of 90 minutes duration is a bigger problem for a kindergardener. Or youngster age 10. My children HATE anything B&W.

I think a better choice of film, with the same theme (imaginary friend that helps a child through difficult times) is BOGUS, starring Gerard Depardieu, Whoopie Goldberg and Haley Joel Osment (1996). The CHILD is the star, it's in color, and it's funny, and modern in every way.

BLACK & WHITE FILMS: good luck with that. You're up against every color, action, music &dance, cute Olsen Twin, animation, computer-generated effect film they have gotten used to their whole lives. Show both films and write me back.

I'm sorry nobody else remembers HARVEY, or even cared to answer. good luck.