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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Guitar chords??

Question:When i get guitar chords off the internet it will list the chord once and then later it will list the next chord. Do I strum the chord once or all the time until the next chord?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: When i get guitar chords off the internet it will list the chord once and then later it will list the next chord. Do I strum the chord once or all the time until the next chord?

Strum the chord for four beats then move to the next one. Repeat the process. Once you can do that, strum a chord twice and then change. With practice you will be able to strum a chord just once, change, strum once, then back to the original chord (or to another one).

Unless you're playing a certain song with its chords it doesn't matter how long you strum a chord before you change to another one. The important thing to remember is to be able to form the chord, strum it correctly, and then change to another chord.

Thanks, K-dog, for selecting my reply as best. I wish you success with the guitar; it will bring many challenges, but also solace your way. Report It

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  • It depends. Sometimes you let it ring, sometimes you play it a couple times and sometimes you switch to the next one really quick. Listen to the song to get the timing.

    It depends on the time signature of the song. If the "fraction" at the beginning of the song says 4/4 play four times. If it says 3/4 play three times. If it says C--or is a fancy C play four times. Strumming is also different for the type of music you are playing.