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Question:How do you do vibrato and other effects on the strings, particularly vibrato?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: How do you do vibrato and other effects on the strings, particularly vibrato?

move your finger slightly side to side a bit on the note you just played.. Thats what i do, i guess it works.. It seems to work for me

Hammer ons..

Pull offs..

You need a tremolo or a vibrato stomp box(pedal). Some guitar amps have vibrato effect built in. It is a sound origionated from a leslie organ sound. But tremolo and vibrato are basically the same. You can get a cheap pedal for $40 or so.

If you can afford a few more dollars go get yourself a multi effects modeler/processor. I use digitech products but I just saw a company that is selling a multi effects processor for only $50 or so, It will give you all the basic effect needed.

Here's a digitech for $50.

I use the RP250 but this will do for now. You can go to digitechs website and get a sample of all the sounds. Go check it out.

Or you can do it the old fashioned way as mentioned.

you just pull the string up and down really fast...up and down...

Well, you can do it the old fasion way, by hand, or some guitars, like Fender Stratocasters, come with a wammy bar. that helps too but they are both pretty hard to master.

So i would buy an effects pedal. you can get a small vibrato stompbox pedal, which will cost close to 40 or 50 dollars brand new, or a big, multieffects pedal. They will cost anywhere from 200 to 2000 dollars depending on the quality. A good brand of pedals is DigiTech. I would suggest ebay if you've got a credit card. Just go and search for music supplies. Or if you want a brand new one, i would suggest going on

But if you want to bend on the strings, that's pretty easy. Just put your finger on the string, make sure you've got a few fingers behind it to help lift the string, pluck it, and lift up with your finger. Practice that a lot though, because it will make you fingers soar.

You could also check out a guitar training website that will teach you how to do all that and more. Check out From what I hear, it's a good website. And I think it's all free.