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Position:Home>Performing Arts> How can i be noticed?

Question:How can i be noticed?
in almost all the dances one of my teacher teaches us i am always in like in the second to last row..
im not that bad of a dancer
how can i make her see that im good??

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: How can i be noticed?
in almost all the dances one of my teacher teaches us i am always in like in the second to last row..
im not that bad of a dancer
how can i make her see that im good??

Just Practice your heart out and have fun with it.
Practice makes perfect. If you continue to nail your
routines on the first try your teacher will remember that, she'll
keep it in the back of her said knowing that you pick up the steps more quickly than everyone else. Keep doing that, you will do great & automaticly stand out.

come in butt neked

why dont you talk to her and tell her you are very good. maybe do a routine for her to see

you must be taller then the first row. I bet it doesn't have anything to do with how good a dancer you are