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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Should I stick with violin or learn a new instrument?

Question:I recently just found out that a new music lesson place just opened across from my neighborhood, and im thinking about taking some lessons there. When i was younger i played the violin but i stopped right before i got into high school (3 years ago).
I liked playing the violin but Im really interested in playing the piano or guitar. If i go with a new instrument, I might think about guitar b/c it's more affordable and maybe its similar to the violin in some way?
So, I'm not sure if it is more "money well spent" to improve my violin skills (right now Im really not good at it haha) or start totally new with another instrument?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I recently just found out that a new music lesson place just opened across from my neighborhood, and im thinking about taking some lessons there. When i was younger i played the violin but i stopped right before i got into high school (3 years ago).
I liked playing the violin but Im really interested in playing the piano or guitar. If i go with a new instrument, I might think about guitar b/c it's more affordable and maybe its similar to the violin in some way?
So, I'm not sure if it is more "money well spent" to improve my violin skills (right now Im really not good at it haha) or start totally new with another instrument?

I would say it really depends on what sort of music you are wanting to play. I grew up in a very musical family - I play piano, guitar, and am teaching myself the violin (so I thought I'd have a good perspective on answering this question, haha).

If you are interested in writing your own songs and doing pop music, etc., I'd say go with guitar - you've had some experience with a stringed instrument and there are similar concepts between the guitar and the violin. I don't know if you have a piano... if not, then I wouldn't advise taking piano lessons (if you're on a budget) because pianos are expensive (and keyboards just aren't the same), and you really should be able to practice at home.

On the other hand, if you had fun with violin in school and wanted to create the sort of music that instrument is wonderful for (including folk music - I love celtic stuff, myself), and didn't mind forking over the money for a decent one that would be your size (depending on how much you grew since you last played - you might need a bigger one), I would say don't give the violin up. It's a beautiful instrument and well worth learning to play.

Of course, it's possible to do all three, as I would know. Cost-wise, you'd be best off going with the guitar... a good violin costs a lot more, as does any piano. You can get a good guitar at a very decent price, and it's a very versatile instrument.

Hope that helped. Peace! :)

whatever u want play 2;...

new instrument like flute....


Keep playing violin.

It'd be easier to get back into it rather than picking up a new instrument. Also, if you pick up a new instrument, all the time learning violin will be wasted.

hmm the paino is worth the money youll spend to take lessons.maybe later on in the future you can make your own music or join a band. its better to know several intruments.


Well, it all depends on how long you've been playing the violin for. For me, i played guitar for 3 years and then bought a mandolin, played that for a year then got an accordion. Its always fun trying out new instruments, so i would have to say buy a new instrument.

there is nothing more beautiful than an electric guitar played well, it brings tears to my eyes, work on whole lotta love by led zeppelin when you learn how to play

hey listen to me = play as many instruments as you can=i play guitar ukulele banjo piano bass drums=go to youtube and punch in pirrung123 thats me

Learn to play what you WANT to play. You will be more willing to practice if you actually enjoy it. If you liked the violin so much you would still be playing it, but having learned one instrument will help you learn another.

I think u should try something new, like the bells. what ever u learn on that u can play on piano too. its also affordable. i would also recomend drums. i play them and its a blast!

hmmm if i were you i would learn both :P (i can play piano and harp and chinese pipa and balinese

well in terms of similarities i guess piano would be more similar to violin because of the scores and musical background...for guitars you'd be looking at numbers/letters indicating the chords instead.

but if you think you're not really good at violin and if you think even if you spend more time/money on it it wouldn't really improve that much, perhaps you can try out a new instrument :) keep exploring!!! :D

Well, if you REALLY want to start playing a new instrument, I'd say you should try. It's always fun to try something new. And if you don't like it, you could always stop it. But think also, which skills you need more in the future? Violin or piano/guitar?

It all depends on you. If you want to be a Rockstar, go with a guitar. If you want to play with a symphony orchestra, go with a violin. Piano's a good instrument to learn, but it won't make you look like a rebel. It's a great instrument to write songs on. At the end, it all depends on you.

PIANO! i play the piano, and i love it sooooo much! the first years are a little frustrating, but it totally pays off!! im telling you plaay the piano, it will let you express you feelings whenever you want to! i have been playing for 4 years now.i have never played the gutire- spelling- but it seems fun i guess, but you can play piano in weddings, and i have already done it, and it was the best experience EVER! take in consideration. thanks.

I was kinda in that position myself 47 years ago. I played violin for 3 years, and passed Grade 1, then I gave it up and took up guitar. I've been playing guitar ever since, but I went back to violin about 22 years ago. Now i do both, but I play folk fiddle rather than classical violin, and I've branched out into mandolin, bouzouki, banjo etc. Stick with the violin but take up guitar as well. You can do it ! Hope this helps.

Well, for ME, I love a good fiddle and wish I had taken time to learn the "squawk box" but I think the guitar is more versatile. The guitar is probably easier than the fiddle and is more "portable" than a piano. I love a good piano too but they are too stationary and little keyboards just aren't the same. The guitar, especially an acoustic or an acoustic/electric, can be easily transported about anywhere. They are fun to play. You know however that a mandolin is tuned the same as a fiddle but plucked with a pick or fingers, that might be a head start for you and they are a small fun instrument as well.

it really doesnt matter, but if you learn how to play another instrument, it gives you more variety, and it could possibly help you improve on your 1st instrument more..
but it is your choice. and there is sort of a similarity between violin and guitar, but... the only similarity [ i think, since i dont play violin, i play flute/ oboe/ guitar/piano ] are that they both have strings. if you want the easier option, it is piano, but if it is at the price range where you cant afford to pay for lessons, then try guitar... good luck?

It depends on what you really want. If you really like the violin you should continue with it, no matter if you are not a virtuoso on it. However, if you think the piano or guitar suits you better, then make the change. But guitar and violin are not very similar. Your left hand does the opposite thing. Learning a new instrument is always fun and if you enjoy music it will be money well spent, because you will be able to relax while engaging in this activity. If you decide to take vln lessons, it will be also money well spent, because you will improve your abilities in the instrument. Whatever you choose try to have fun.

I'd stick with the violin. It'll be easier to continue with something you already have a little knowledge of. That way, you can also improve your playing and advance much more easily and quickly than you would if you decided to take up a totally new instrument. Also, from my personal experience, violin is the best instrument!