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Position:Home>Performing Arts> When listening to a song, how do you go about figuring out what the first chord

Question:I've not been having much luck unfortunately. Thanks for any tips.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I've not been having much luck unfortunately. Thanks for any tips.

What I do is I play the song, hit pause immediately, and then sing the chord back to myself, and figure it out. And if I can't figure it out myself, because there are songs that start out with kind of weird chords, then I look up a few different versions of tabs and mess around with them until I find the one that sounds right.

I sing out first to match the tone...i play guitar too! do you play electric or acoustic? anyway, just relax, cuz the note came to me, when i sang. singing and playing guitar just go hand in hand. the first chord is always the easiest, since it gets you everywhere else in the song.

well i dont have a very good ear, so what i do is first guess at what i think it might be, then play the song, if its wrong i move a another chord that i think may be right. It isn't easy to develope your ear to know.

My old lessons teacher had me hit a single not, and if that note sounded like it played well with the first chord then that note is probably the chord to use.

the best way would be to learn a bunch of chords

find the melodic line or scale, hum along with the song ,and find the notes on the guitar