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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Can I teach myself to play the Cello?

Question:Is this unreasonable? Any advice? on learning? how do I pick a good, cheap, used Cello to start learning with?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Is this unreasonable? Any advice? on learning? how do I pick a good, cheap, used Cello to start learning with?

It isn't unreasonable, but it's not recommended. Starting to learn a stringed instrument is best under guidance because there are so many nuances of the instrument that can't be learned through method books. You might even pick up bad habits without guidance:(

You can definitely find a decent used cello through a local music shop, online, or at pawn shops, along with good starting method books to utilize from music shops. You can also get lessons from the music shop!

Good luck!

It would be really hard to learn how to play the cello by yourself. I have been playing the violin for five years now and I still have trouble with it! You would need to learn to read the notes, the postions, the names of the notes, how to tune your cello, etc. Like it said it would be VERY hard to try and teach yourself. It would be best to go to a music store and see if they offer private lessons, also you can could probably "rent" a cello until you pay it off. Thats what I did with my violin.

it is not unreasonable. you want to try something new.... first, start with a rental.because if you decide that you dont want to stick with it.... you could always return it. once you feel that you could play the cello pretty well, you can buy one. i would recommend renting one from a big music store in ur the book essentials for______... well... i think that is what it is called, but it has the word essentials for it