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Position:Home>Performing Arts> I can't play high notes on my oboe?

Question:Anything above the second octave D comes out really airy and weak and squeaky.
And the notes above second A, I can't even play them. They come out an octave lower.
And I know my fingerings are all right.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Anything above the second octave D comes out really airy and weak and squeaky.
And the notes above second A, I can't even play them. They come out an octave lower.
And I know my fingerings are all right.

You need to practice, practice, practice getting your armature in to shape.
You are not hitting your high notes if your lip holding your reed is weak. Practice for longer periods of time, doing upper register scales and gradually going up just one more note each time until you can hit your upper notes steady.
Practice holding out notes for 4 counts of 8 or 4 whole notes on one breath, going up the scale 2 octaves, each day until your armature and lips are in shape. Then you should be able to adjust the armature and your lip to hit those higher notes.
After all that and you still can't get them, switch to a stiffer reed.

Try making sure your fingers are on the keys right and such. Are you sure that you're pressing the octave key so that the notes are taken up?

If that's no help, take it to the shop. They'll help ya.

Good luck!

Sit down with your teacher/private instructor to make sure you're using the correct embouchure and air support, and that your reed is in good shape.
You might have some instrument problems such as unseated pads, or broken/maladjusted springs. In that case, take it to a shop.

Tighter lips and faster air