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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Chinese drum music?

Question:I really don't even know where to start looking. Have you ever seen those Chinese people beating the huge drums with big drumsticks and they are usually wearing festive red colored clothing? What on earth are they called? Where can I find some music?

They aren't a particular group or anything just festive folk music, that I'm looking for.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I really don't even know where to start looking. Have you ever seen those Chinese people beating the huge drums with big drumsticks and they are usually wearing festive red colored clothing? What on earth are they called? Where can I find some music?

They aren't a particular group or anything just festive folk music, that I'm looking for.

well i think u are describing taiko drums, but im not sure. hope i helped

Google for gamelan ensembles. You'll find what you're looking for.