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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Suppose, U R on stage and U have to sing on stage indivisually. If U get nervous

Question:Been there! Just breath deep and just be confident. Befor you even start just have the mindset of "I'm going to rock this."

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Been there! Just breath deep and just be confident. Befor you even start just have the mindset of "I'm going to rock this."


just keep going. itll end up being fun

keep singing

If you think you might get nervous I suggest you don't look at anyone in the audience's faces, look just over their head they never know the difference.

Also no matter what just keep going and don't "break character"

Don't worry I'm sure you'll do fantastic. : )

When I am on stage "Indivisually" with peace and justice for all...I just hold my head up high and say damm Im glad to be armenian, I mean american...and go about the buisness of song...I let my lungs do the talkin sister!

First practive well.

Second, so you don't forget the lyrics, print them out in large letters and tape them on the stage floor in front of you.

Don't be afraid to look at the audience, there will be some, and at least one person who will be giving you an encouraging smile, occasionally during the performance glance at this person for encouragement. If no one is smiling fix your eyes on a light and imagine that you singing to someone who would never judge your performance.

Most of all, have fun!! I presume that one of the reasons you are performing is because you love to, so enjoy it, it is your moment to fulfill something not many have the chance to fulfill.

I had terrible stage fright when I danced or sang alone (same thing when I danced with others). The biggest fear is that you will forget the words to the song and the steps to the dance. Ironically, when I was afraid (which was all but two times) I never had a problem once I was out there. The only time I forgot words and steps is the two times I had no stage fright!
So, don't worry. Once you are out there your memory takes over and you will be fine. Remember too that you can't see anyone in the first two or three rows. I either looked there, or over every ones head toward the back of the audience. Also, if you do forget, you will only slur over two or three words while singing. When dancing, you might pause for 2 or 3 seconds and then your memory takes over and you carry on without a mistake. Usually no one even notices. It's not like you are reciting the Gettysburg Address!

Good luck!

I was just in a singing competition yesterday. Just take deep breaths beforehand and the whole point is to give it your best and to have fun. Confidence is the key, but over-confidence will draw you backwards. Just believe in your voice and show it off to everyone.

try to think of a place that makes you happy. concentrate on the positive, not negatIve. this will help you much. ive done it quite a lot and I'm not as nervous as i used to be.