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Position:Home>Performing Arts> What is the best way to self teach yourself how to play the piano?

Question:Regarding Playing piano, i dont suggest you to teach yourself. Even if you can manage(financially) to have few hours (4-5 hours) lessons and learn the very basics by a private teacher, then is better to do so.
In learning music, generally Teacher teaches you one unit of knowledge but you can learn 100 unit out of that if you stick to the basics and practice well. That is how it works.
The same thing is true with Almost all the musical instruments as well as Harmonica that you mentioned in your former question.
There are some very tiny and important details that no book can teach you unless you read them with a teacher.
Good luck
Make a good sample of yourself and show everyone how fast you can learn.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Regarding Playing piano, i dont suggest you to teach yourself. Even if you can manage(financially) to have few hours (4-5 hours) lessons and learn the very basics by a private teacher, then is better to do so.
In learning music, generally Teacher teaches you one unit of knowledge but you can learn 100 unit out of that if you stick to the basics and practice well. That is how it works.
The same thing is true with Almost all the musical instruments as well as Harmonica that you mentioned in your former question.
There are some very tiny and important details that no book can teach you unless you read them with a teacher.
Good luck
Make a good sample of yourself and show everyone how fast you can learn.

buy a self teaching book.

There are self-instruction books and videos that are available in most music stores. They're very easy to follow.

Some musical ability would be helpful. I just sat at the keyboard and made some notes.

Almost anybody can play a song melody with one finger; it's the cords that stump most of us.

Get a keyboard at Costco, plug it is and begin to tickle the keys.

I have to play everything in the key of 'C'. It is simplistic but I am obviously too lazy to make the effort to learn properly.

I suggest a keyboard, if you do not already have a piano, for two reasons;
technology has improved enough that an inexpensive one will give you a really acceptable piano sound and
you can use a head set to avoid annoying your family and friends while you teach yourself.

a 'C' cord is made by placing your finger on middle 'C' and then 'E' and then 'G' (each separated by one note.

See how that sounds and off you go!

Have fun; making music is definitely one of the highest human achievements.

I bought a Keyboard once and it came with a book to learn about cords and other things. But i learn to play keyboard fm music school. In my view if you are really interested then get into some good music school.
Hope i helped.