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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Will learning to play on an electric violin really be a problem?

Question:I've never played a violin before and intend to learn but noise is a problem... hence my question.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I've never played a violin before and intend to learn but noise is a problem... hence my question.

I don't think so. But unless you're planning to play jazz or rock exclusively -- if you want to play classical violin, or bluegrass, old-time, or Irish fiddle, for example -- you're eventually going to need a decent acoustic instrument in addition to your electric practice fiddle.

Most of the cheap stuff you see on Ebay is junk and not worth having. Avoid those stylized looking things that sell for under $100. From what I've heard, if the pickup works at all, it typically fails within a few weeks. They sound pretty bad and won't hold tune.

On the low end of the price range (less than $400), look for instruments with brand names like Rave, Strauss, Meisel, Fender, Carlo Robelli.

Midrange, you see Yamaha's frequently ($500 - $800).

Sometimes you can luck into a Zeta at the high midrange ($800-$900).

Hope this helps.

no its is the same strings and you'll need to develop the same caleuses it won't matter.