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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Software that reads music?(for clarinet)?

Question:Is there such a thing? I just joined my school band and I'm having an extremely difficult time(just started playing last semester). I can play the songs{but not read them} by just remembering the length etc. plz. help.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Is there such a thing? I just joined my school band and I'm having an extremely difficult time(just started playing last semester). I can play the songs{but not read them} by just remembering the length etc. plz. help.


It looks you need to learn how to read music instead of having a software program interpret it for you.

Try using the tutorials at to help note-reading. You need to learn note-reading if you're going to succeed in music--you've only been in music for a short time. If you're having trouble keeping up, you need to do the extra studying outside of class to keep up. You can't memorize and watch everyone else's fingers forever!

There is software that can "read" your clarinets playing and transcribe it on page, but it costs hundreds of dollars and you need the right hardware to USE the software. The other one I know of only records your performance or lets you play along as an educational purpose.

So learn to read music!

In response to your edit:
You should sit down with the music that troubles you and write out note names on the music for the time being. I still advise you to visit to use the note-name tutorials so you can get practice and advance your note-reading ability.

try guitar pro, works for many instruments.

There is a ton of great software out there, but if you're going to play the instrument in the band, software won't help you. Get private tutoring. AND DON'T GIVE UP! Good luck!

OK sounds like you just need practise reading music! Try the following:
You can do it on line or print it out and do one line a day!

Or you could use these flashcards

It will just take practice I'm afraid! Do a little everyday and you will get them in no time. Try another book as well. Rubank , although it has some advantages, introduces many notes at once and can be VERY boring! Try another book! that goes a bit slower in terms of note reading and is a bit more FUN!

Good luck