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Position:Home>Performing Arts> How do I tune my acoustic guitar a half step down?

Question:I do not know what a step is concerning the guitar. Do you put the capo on the first fret then tune the guitar??? Please help!!!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I do not know what a step is concerning the guitar. Do you put the capo on the first fret then tune the guitar??? Please help!!!

The easiest way I could think of is to put yur capo on the first fret and then tune it to standard tuning. Take of yur capo and yur guitar should be half step down.

a step is two frets. tune off of 3 instead of 5 and adjust the whole guitar accordingly.

EZ 2

Ditto andy. Or get a tuner.

A step is a full note. Half step down would change the E strings to g sharp. I don't think you could tune it down with a capo.

Tune it a fret down. Each fret is a half step down.

hit the third string, which should be a D, and the top string at the same time. turn the nob on the top string until you hear that it is a perfect octave. you should be able to tell when they are tuned in octaves. if not use a tuner and tune your bottom string to a D... that is for drop D tuning. if you are trying to tune each string down, you might want to use a tuner

This means to tune down the strings 1/2 a tone. A step is a whole tone or 2 frets up or down.
The capo on the 1rst fret raises the pitch 1/2 tone up.

high e would be an e flat or d sharp. b string would be b flat or a sharp. g string would be g minor or f sharp. d string would be d flat or c sharp. a string would be a flat or g sharp. low e would be e flat or d sharp. or you can put a capo in the first freat and tune ur guitar to standard 440 tuning. ebgdae