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Question:my fingers became reddish after playing a tab.Any tips to play it simple?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: my fingers became reddish after playing a tab.Any tips to play it simple?

Sorry, playing guitar hurts, especially when you're first starting out. Through regular practice, you will desensitize your fingertips and they will develop callouses. Your best bet is to get it over with by practicing until your fingers hurt pretty badly as often as possible. Once you get past the painful phase and your callouses are built up, you're pretty much set as long as you don't go too long without practicing (no more than a couple weeks). But if they do start to get sensitive again, you should be able to get back to "normal" after a week or two of regular practice. Yes, you will get blisters sometimes. :)

The only option to forming callouses is to get a nylon-string classical guitar. Or ditch the instrument altogether and take up piano. :-)

Every player learning on a steel-stringed guitar has experienced what you are facing now. Those that have become guitarists worked through the great discomfort of tender fingertips until the welcomed calluses grew. They didn't give up and neither should you.

Once you get your calluses thickened enough you can't play enough. You will itch to have them embrace barbed wire if necessary. That's how good they feel once you get them.

I love my calluses. It took a while to build them up, but now my fingertips don't hurt at all. So, the best way to make calluses is to play for an hour or more a day. Before long, NO PAIN!

Nylon strings are less painful, but there is no easy way around it. Practice, Practice, Practice