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Question:I am 13 years old I want to learn how to sing
I have no credit cards
pleaseeee tell me if there are free softwares that can teach me how to sing in English Professionally

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I am 13 years old I want to learn how to sing
I have no credit cards
pleaseeee tell me if there are free softwares that can teach me how to sing in English Professionally

There is no such thing a software to teach you how to sing.

The best advice for someone your age is to take signing lessons. Your voice is an instrument and you have to learn how to "play" it correctly. Someone of your age can develop a lot of bad habits. You have to learn how to breathe properly, read music and proper articulation.

A good teacher will help you along and not over-develop your voice too early. A good teacher will also tell you if you have a voice or not. Some people simply cannot sing so before you waste your money (or your parent's money) get a teacher.

The best way to find a teacher is to go to your music teacher at school, join a local church choir or find a conservatory of music in your area.

Good luck!

That is like asking for software to learn how to play a piano without a piano. I would suggest instead that you join your school and or church chior. Learn how to read music and possibly find a voice teacher. Your schools music teacher might be able to help you with a vocal coach.
You will need feedback that you simply can not get from a computor.

Get yourself a player recorder and mic and start practicing singing into it. Listen back overtime. It could take 100 or more times the first song but keep doing it till it sounds right.
When you are waiting or working alone or something like that.
Exercise your voice. Up and down the scale. Spend as many hours as you are allowed. It takes tons of practice to become a wonderful singer.
A couple was to teach yourself to sing with the correct breathing is to either hold both arms up or lay on your back when you are singing. It really does work.
In time you will be able to sing from your diaphragm the correct way.

Well, i just turned 14 about a month ago, and i am taking Choir as my 1st period i recommend that you just learn your " do, re, mi's...ect." remember that each time you sing a different scale you sing a different pitch or know...don't force your voice or else it might hurt, should always sing from your stomach...i know that sound funny huh! ^_^ Good Luck!