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Position:Home>Performing Arts> How hard is it to march with a bassoon?

Question:Like for a field show.

I saw a marching band that had 3 bassoon marchers, and I just wondered how hard it would be to march with them?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Like for a field show.

I saw a marching band that had 3 bassoon marchers, and I just wondered how hard it would be to march with them?

It's very hard because the strap does support the bassoon but its so delicate you really have to be careful. My bassoon weighs about 15 pounds and its not real wood.

Woodwinds suck for marching bands anyways

practice makes man perfect/(applicable for woman also)

Pretty hard. Brass is better on the field anyway. Watch some drum corps international like Phantom Regiment or Boston Crusaders. If you don't know what I'm talking about, then you need to learn because it is the best thing out there for marching music!

It would be very difficult because they are awkward and heavy. But it can be done with practice. just be careful not to drop it!

Oh wow, that would suck to have to do. Our bassoons play percussion in the pit marching season... I think it would be really hard because the peices come undone so easily. I play horn, and have to march mellophone, and that sux enough, lol