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Question:I've been taking voice lessons for over two years.
My voice has really improved and I can sing quite well.
But, I feel as if I can do better.
Whenever I sing, It sounds like the notes aren't as clear and as smooth as I would like them to be.
I really want to improve so that I can really impress my voice teacher, because lately I have not been making any improvements.
I am a soprano, by the way.
I really want to sing a song in a foreign language, and I know that to do that my voice will need to get a little better.
Can someone please give me some advice?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I've been taking voice lessons for over two years.
My voice has really improved and I can sing quite well.
But, I feel as if I can do better.
Whenever I sing, It sounds like the notes aren't as clear and as smooth as I would like them to be.
I really want to improve so that I can really impress my voice teacher, because lately I have not been making any improvements.
I am a soprano, by the way.
I really want to sing a song in a foreign language, and I know that to do that my voice will need to get a little better.
Can someone please give me some advice?

One sure fire way to improve is to critique yourself. Make a digital or cassette recording of your repertoire, go back and listen to it a week or two later, and continue to record your progress as you go along. It is amazing how much a week or two can add to your objectivity.

If you want to sing in a foreign language, the first step is to learn the pronunciation of those foreign words. Start with something simple like the famous round, "Dona, Nobis, Pacem." The lines are easy to learn and the pronunciation should be readily available. Go on to simple songs like Au Claire De Lune, or Stille Nacht. These songs also have English words that have been assigned to them over the years, and the variety should add to your self esteem and confidence.

Everyone goes through what is referred to as Plateaus. If you feel you are not improving the quality of your voice, improve the quality and variety of your repertoire. Eventually, everything will fall together and you will begin to notice improvements. Also remember that you may not notice any remarkable improvement at the moment, but that doesn't mean that you aren't making any! Some techniques are subtle, take a long time to master, and do not show results until that mastery is accomplished. You are probably in the throes of trying to master these techniques and haven't seen the payoff yet. Discuss this with your teacher. I can guarantee you that your mentor has been through the same hurdles and can give you the reassurance you need.

In the meantime, throw your shoulders back, open your mouth all the way to your chest (metaphorically of course) and work on opening your air passages all the way down to your toes! (there's another one of those pesky metaphors) Never forget that the most significant reward you can get for developing your voice is the ability to express yourself as often and as joyfully as you can.

Deep, slow breath as you count
one ...
If you are relaxed, you'll be surprised
how people are affected by your


You're not telling us your age--it takes time for a voice to mature--look how old Pavarotti was when his career first took off. I know that's a frustrating answer, but true.

And isn't your voice teacher giving you proper guidance here? Perhaps it's time to find a new coach!

A person's voice changes every 7 years...perhaps you are going through a vocal change. I would say the more you obsess over what is wrong the worse it will get. Relax and you'll be surprised how great you are...ever wonder why some of your best singing is when you are alone in your room???

As far as a song, try Sole e amore by Puccini or Anime voi by Lugi Rossi...both are Italian. Good luck!