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Position:Home>Performing Arts> How do you tighten guitar strings?

Question:Me being the idiot I am tried to tune it without even knowing what I was doing. The top chord became very loose, and I do not know how to tighten it. It did not snap, but it is just very loose. Please help!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Me being the idiot I am tried to tune it without even knowing what I was doing. The top chord became very loose, and I do not know how to tighten it. It did not snap, but it is just very loose. Please help!

First of all you mean the top string....go on google and type in of the guitar, you'll see three guitars, click on the style that you have....and you'll see the tuning turn them to tighten the strings....they have to be tuned to a certain pitch....make sure that you don't tune it to could snap in your face....for a free electronic tuner go to this site.... on this site you'll see 6 little vertical on those and you'll get the correct pitch that the strings should be!!!!!!!!! Be careful !!!!!!!!! There will be a bass E, A, D, G, B, and then the high E....good luck !!!

Follow the string up to the top of the guitar where the peg is holding it. Turn the peg until the string becomes tight again. Turning it one way will loosen and the other way will tighten.
Also take it to a guitar shop to get it tuned after that so they can show you how to do it properly using the E string and frets.