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Position:Home>Performing Arts> I am confused about my future. What helped you find your nitch?

Question:what gave you that spark that said yes this is me this is it?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: what gave you that spark that said yes this is me this is it?

Hi! :o}

You are not alone. I learn bit by bit every day on what I am to do in life.

We each are unique. Look at what you are talented in, and your hobbies.

For me, in high school, I loved Spanish. At age 9, I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior. In my early teens, God gave me a vision which I see pieces of it in practice daily events from time to time, pointing to what I will be doing.

In my early 20's I went to a Bible college with my own expectations, but after a year and half, realized God just wanted me to learn to love the Bible (and develop a deep desire to learn it more and more).

As time passed, I notice more and more my desire for Christians to be trained and equipped in the Word, with all sincerity, out of love for Jesus and people, to live the Word daily.

Starting with my love for Spanish, I devolved a deep love and concern for people all over the world: Fellow Christians to remain faithful to Jesus, even if it means suffering for His Name.

And those who do not have Jesus as their Lord and Savior to learn about Jesus and how to accept Him, so they do not go to hell (the Bible calls "the second death"), but instead receive eternal life in Heaven.

So, this equipping and training desire is cross cultural, international.

I haven't reached this point yet, and I know full well that I should live my life for Jesus now, and not wait until I reach a certain goal in life to really start to life.

I encourage you to grab on to the moment now, where you are at. Take things a step at a time. Don't waste time sitting there thinking, "I wish I know what to do" instead of doing something know.

It's OK to wonder and ponder, weigh and reflect a bit, but don't do that and nothing else.

Look at your talents, experience, hobbies, and anything else. Ask others what they see you as (occupation, or whatever), and weigh that as you life your life day to day.

Time does not come back. Live each moment like there is no tomorrow.

I haven't reached what I know so far is my calling, but yet I already have. Sounds strange, but it is true. Our goal is not the only thing to live for, but the path toward the goal (or the path in searching for the goal in your place)

I live for Jesus. My next major step in training (as my logical mind defines it) is a really cool Bible training school from YWAM called SBS (School of Biblical Studies) which altogether is about a year long.

But I was delayed this year in going do to family illness, and so I stay and help out. I would be a hypocrite to my faith if I did do the SBS because I would not be living my faith and what I know about the Bible in being here for my family. Knowledge is useless unless you use it. The Bible says "Honor your father and mother" and so I stay to help them in their time of need. Lord willing, by next fall, they will be better, and I will go for my training, and applying what I learn in teaching the Bible. This way, my teaching will be authentic, because I applied what I know so far of the Bible.

This is life experience. No matter if I have met a goal or not, when striving for it, I am always in my "nitch"

Most if not all of us has any real grasp on our futures. On a turn of a dime, our plans will change. You choose now what to do now. Jesus tells us not to worry about tomorrow because tomorrow has troubles of its own.

I don't know details of my future. I have very little money, and nothing for retirement. I am at peace though, because I will work hard in what I do, serve Jesus and help others. I may never have a lot of money, but as the verse my Yahoo ID is, "I have learned to be content no matter what my situation is" (paraphrased) Read all of Philippians chapter 4.

Live life moment by moment. None of us knows how long we have on earth. If you are a follower of Jesus, He will guide you step by step, and that can be an adventure! Sometimes tough, but well worth it!

servant of Jesus

When I was very young, I asked my mom for piano lessons (like when I was about 2). I just knew that I wanted to play that instrument even though no one has told me the benefits or joys of playing. I watched my mom play and watched her teach her students at home, and I just said "I want this". At that time I didn't know what my potential was for the piano (how could I have known anyway), I just loved it for some reason. It's like it speaks to my soul. No sooner had I started playing, that I shocked all my relatives with my 'instinctive responses'. I would learn extraordinarily fast and would finish the early to mid-beginner books in a few weeks each. And when other children were out playing, I was sitting at the piano 'playing' with myself, through my own choice. But I still didn't know the meaning of talented. It wasn't until I got accepted into a gifted children's course at 6 that I started knowing that I had something special. I also found out that I had perfect pitch - I could play anything by ear, as long as it was within my technical abilities. And I also had strong sight-reading skills.

My family's support, strangers' comments and my own growing self-awareness helped me know that I belonged to the performing arts. Put me on any stage with a piano and I'll start playing, audience or no audience. I enjoy the stage a lot. I also developed a strong interest in exploring different musical instruments as I grew older. Plus I have the ability to easily grasp music theory concepts, so I learn music extremely fast. Music was my best subject in school since young. At 10, I decided that I'd like to be a concert pianist, and that ambition hasn't flamed out yet. When my classmates were still wondering about what they want to do for university, I would always answer "concert pianist" whenever I was asked about my ambition. I've given my whole life to music.

Look at what you're good at. Which subjects you do better at in school, what your friends and family tell you, what you enjoy doing, what 'speaks' to you most. Chances are you'll be able to find your niche through it. If you still don't, keep trying new stuff and see what you enjoy doing most. It takes time and thought, but if you start thinking about it now, you'll have an easier time when you get to the point that you've to decide on what to focus in. Never let anyone tell you you're good at nothing - every human has his/her own talents. It's only a matter of how soon that talent is discovered. And we'll always be discovering new things about ourselves throughout our lifetimes. All the best!

i still have not quite gotten to my own personal future
but im on the road towards it
i know theres a possibility it may change, but as for now,
its something ive wanted to do since i was 10; sing. and not just sing, theatre. I love the performing arts with a passion, and i know its tough, im dealing with its harshness everyday
but theres nothing i love more than the satisfaction that i took my own personal talents and did a job well done that i can be proud of, and maybe brighten up someone's day.

you may or may not possess the talents of singing acting or dancing, and im not saying you don't i just don't know you or have seen or heard you to be a judge of that.

but just remember, whatever you like to do could actually turn into something you could not live without. you may not have found your calling in life yet or something you're that passionate about, but when you find it, you'll know that will almost postivitly be your future, abut as isaid before you'll never know until it happens because your interests may change.

Alot of people want "a note from God" telling them what to do with their lives. That doesn't really happen very often. My advice is to pick one thing that you really like to do, no matter what friends parents or teachers say and try that for awhile. If it doesn't turn into what you want to do in life it will definitely lead to other things as long as you keep your eyes and ears and heart and mind open. Good luck!

I was once asked, "Do you prefer to perform more?"

This was when I said yes. But, I knew that I couldn't support myself as an instrumental major, or at least that the chances were slim so I did music education.

Now, I am in a completely different field than I thought, but I know that teaching was the right path and that I prefer to perform on my own for fun as well.

You have to be practical, find something to be mostly happy with, and do what you're good at. :)

First, try lots of different things. You might also go to and try some of the tests (for free).

But the best indicator I heard of is, what would you like to do, but would be embarrassed for anyone to find out, that is, because you think they would go "You could never do that!" Also, what is the one thing you would be determined to do, even if someone forbid you to do it? What do you love to do, even if no one paid you to do it?

For me, I kind of fell into it for all the wrong reasons, but people said I was good and I felt excited, like a horse at the racetrack when the trumpet blows. Then the universe started sending a lot of so-called coincidences that were too bizarre.

In other words- find what you like. see how people respond to your efforts, and look for signs that the universe is making a smooth path for you. Good luck.