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Position:Home>Performing Arts> What the heck IS this!?

Question:to start, i'm a violinist. i've been one for five years, but i dont really have that much training that i'm the best sixth grade violin player ever. [btw i have permission to be on here] my teacher was a perfecionist so anything i played had to be played perfectly. but to get to the point, my mom says i have a special 'gift'- an INCREDIBLE ear for music. i can play pretty much anything i hear, from welcome to the black parade [mcr] to the monday night football theme... it goes on forever and expands everyday. sometimes i find myself playing the cello part in my orchestra simply because i hear it... and i can play it. its really creepy... i cant even control it. i dont need the notes... wth, im a suzuki... i dont even know the names of the notes (we play by sound). but i find it seirously creepy, even when i was a small child with no vocal lessons...i sang suprisingly in tune and could sing well... its a strange gift for music? what is this strange thing i have?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: to start, i'm a violinist. i've been one for five years, but i dont really have that much training that i'm the best sixth grade violin player ever. [btw i have permission to be on here] my teacher was a perfecionist so anything i played had to be played perfectly. but to get to the point, my mom says i have a special 'gift'- an INCREDIBLE ear for music. i can play pretty much anything i hear, from welcome to the black parade [mcr] to the monday night football theme... it goes on forever and expands everyday. sometimes i find myself playing the cello part in my orchestra simply because i hear it... and i can play it. its really creepy... i cant even control it. i dont need the notes... wth, im a suzuki... i dont even know the names of the notes (we play by sound). but i find it seirously creepy, even when i was a small child with no vocal lessons...i sang suprisingly in tune and could sing well... its a strange gift for music? what is this strange thing i have?

It's not strange, it's a very special ability. I think you've what we call 'perfect pitch'. Means you can hear any musical note and reproduce it immediately without any external help (like being given the first pitch). From what you say, it's either perfect pitch or a very strong relative pitch (means once you're given the sound of a 1st note, you'll know all the subsequent notes). But I'm going with perfect pitch. I have it too - it's a blessing and a curse. Don't try controlling it for now, you need to let it develop so that it'll stay with you for life. If you try suppressing it now, you'll find that you'll most likely lose the ability in a few years. Studies have shown that people who may have been born with perfect pitch lose it if they don't use it early in life(i.e. don't start musical training early). It's because perfect pitch is not a necessary life-support function, so our bodies tend to shut down these unnecessary stuff if we don't request our brains to retain the ability.

Perfect pitched people can play practically anything within their technical capabilities by ear. We know when someone is out of tune and we can't stand it, though others might think it's not a big deal. This is the 'curse' part. A horn playing out of tune (even just slightly) within an orchestra drives me up the wall and I just feel like standing up and yelling 'tune your instrument properly!!!!!!' We also tend to be able to give any note on request, though it's less pronounced in some of us. I think this also depends on whether you've been using this part of your gift regularly or not. More striking is our ability to stay in tune even when everyone else is out, because we hear these notes in our heads and we know what they should sound like - so we're able to give the correct pitches regardless of external factors.

So the next time you play something by ear, don't think it as creepy, just know that you have a special ability that many would kill to have. As you get used to it, it will not seem creepy anymore. On the contrary, it's very useful (for musicians especially) and can get very enjoyable because you're playing all these tunes off the top of your head. I know I enjoy playing by ear. And because of your gift, you'll probably learn music at an extraordinarily fast rate, and you'll definitely have an advantage over other musicians (especially for string instruments). Chances are you're musically inclined as well. Perfect pitch rarely comes without some sort of musical talent. All the best for your musical development! :)

I'm 13. My friend has the same problem, although yours seems more... intricate. It's just that you have an amazing gift! Unless doctors fins some rare condition to fit your problem, enjoy yourself and amaze your friends! Hope this helps!

You have an extremely large ego!!! I'm glad to hear of a young person with confidence though. Young ppl usually have so many problems (weight, peer presure, bad grades, low self esteem), you go!!!

You have a blessing and a curse... if you can't read the notes, you will never be able to sight read/ get jobs... but you would make a great solo artist... good luck

the violin is one of the most beautiful instruments i've ever heard. you are very lucky to be able to play with ease. be very thankfull. you do have a gift. don't question it. accept it and have a wonderful time playing. if you never learn to read music, so what. but if you really enjoy playing you will probably want to learn. good luck and please continue to play. the world needs music and musicians.