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Position:Home>Performing Arts> What's the best type of guitar to buy if I'm just beginning?

Question:I'm gonna take up guitar but I'm not sure what kind to get. Any good acoustic guitar brands?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I'm gonna take up guitar but I'm not sure what kind to get. Any good acoustic guitar brands?

If you like metal, then try picking up Days of the New. Some really good acoustic rock.

I would recommend just getting a small inexpensive acoustic. I just got one (I am a bassist) to mess around on and it's a lot of fun. I would say don't spend more then about $100. If you decide that this is a hobby that you want to be more serious about, then go out and get yourself a really nice guitar. You will find that it will be a prized possesion if you have a passion for music.

You can also find tab music all over the web to help you learn songs. Imagine being able to find almost any peice of music you want to learn how to play!

Enjoy your new hobby!

How about an Ibanez from music world dot com

Yes. Yamaha has a great beginners guitar that sells for about $150.00. I believe it is their 310 model. It's easy enough to play (meaning the neck is not too thick and the strings are not set too high) so that you won't get as easily discouraged. Good luck and have fun.

It depends on what you can afford, go to a music store, pick out a guitar in your price range, hold it, does it feel comfortable? Run your hand up and down the neck, how does it feel? Next, check the tone, do you like it? Or, you can buy just any guitar and learn with it then move up as you learn, it's up to you.

PS. I have been playing for 46 years, was with a band that charted a song at # 17 nationally in 1964

not sure your price range

The best choice is the one YOU make. I am a self taught guitarist and only had a little bit of money to spend when I was about 9 years old. Back then, Stella was an inexpensive guitar brand. It had good tone and I converted it to all wound steel strings and loved the sound it gave me but...the strings were a bit high off the frets and it needed lots of finger strength to play! Go to any guitar dealer or music store and even look to see if they sell used guitars. Hold it, feel it and play a few chords. If the sound is good and it feels right for your hands and fingers, it's right for YOU! I understand Yamaha makes a decent instrument. If money is no object, buy a Martin or ask the people there what they think. Music people are usually cool so take their advice. Happy playing!